Thursday, January 14, 2010

Toddlers Fun Activities

Toddlers are defined as a young children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old. Toddlers are very curious and eager to please. Toddlers want very much to participate with their older preschool friends. In a child care environment, day care providers often find themselves with not only toddlers, but many children of varying ages. I've put together this page full of toddler crafts and activities geared specifically to the toddler. Many, if not all of these ideas, are also appropriate for the preschool age.
Sensory Bottles:

I'm sure most of you have a set of these but i wanted to share incase some of you don't. Take empty plastic bottles (sode or water) fill with water and other item like:

Lava Bottles: fill 1/2 waterand food coloring, 1/2 baby oil, It produces a lava lamp effect when tilted.

Snow Globes: Fill half with water and half with corn syrup. Add glitter, beeds, paper clips etc.The corn syrup makes the glitter fall slowly for dazzling effects.

Discovery Bottles: Fill with rice and small objects like dice, small toys, paper clips etc. As you roll the bottle, different objects will come to the surface to be discovered.

Once filled, simply fill the bottle caps with hot glue and turn them on. Let set until dry and you have a great addition to your sensory set. Set these bottles in a sunny window for even more dazzling effects.

"Magic Wands" Materials:

Plastic tubing any diameter (home depot plumbing dept)

Plastic end caps (home depot)

Water, Corn Syrup, Baby Oil,

Glitter/ sequins, beads, food coloring, hot glue.


Fill an end cap with hot glue and push it into the end of a tube (cut to the length you would like) Let dry. Fill 1/2 water and 1/2 with corn syrup and baby oil as above. And food coloring or sequins/beads etc. Fill another end cap with hot glueand press onto the top of tube, let dry.


I call these "Magic Wands". They are soft and flexible and can really be used as a good gross motor activity. Show the children how to turn them upside down and watch the water move. Toddlers will wear them as necklaces, or pull them around like snakes. Held up to the sunlight they are dazzling. Put different colored wands over each other and watch the "new color".

Fruit Loop Sand:

Get a box of froot loops and have the kids sort the colors. Then put the different colors into baggies and let them crush them til they are powdery. Then let them use them like colored sand in a baby food jar and make layers. Looks like the real thing, without the hazard of them eating the sand . :) Plus, I think kids of many ages would enjoy doing this.

Tear Free Bubbles:

(This is great for small children)

Need: 1/4 cup no tears baby shampoo , 3/4 cup water , 3 tablespoons light corn syrup.

Instructions: Mix all ingrediants and let bubbles settle. Put into a bottle.

Jell O Bubbles :

Need: 1 part dish washing detergent, 1 part gelatin powder, any flavor / color, 8 to 10 parts warm water

Instructions: Mix all gently as making suds will weaken the mixture. Store in container.

Fun Bubbles:

Need: 1/2 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup dish liquid, 1 quart water.

Instructions: Pour a water in a shallow tub. Stir in sugar until it dissolves. Add dish washing liquid and stir again. Kids can use a fly swatter, and swing it in the air to make lots of bubbles. A empty pop bottle can be cut at the bottom of it and use that as a blower......

Tambourine Fun:

Ages: 2 - 4

Need: 2 Paper plates , Rice or Beans, Markers/Crayons/Stickers etc. , Stremers/ Ribbon.

Instructions: Hve the children decorate the outside of the plates - can be adapted here to any theme. Then staple them together putting beans and rice inside before sealing. Staple streamers or ribbon strips around the plates. The kids love to wave these around.

Hula Hoop Leaps:

Hula hoops can be used to busy your kids. Kids love playing with these.

Ceramic Hot Pot:

You take 6x6 ceramic wall tile (you can usually get them donated through a home repair store) Paint the child's hand with the color that they had picked out, place on the tile, write the child's name at the bottom. After 24 hours put a sealer on it.

Vinegar Heart Pictures:

Have the children use a paint brush to cover a white piece of paper with white vinegar. Then, let the children place pre-cut red and pink tissue paper hearts all over the paper. When the vinegar dries, the tissue paper will fall off and will leave heart prints.

This can be modified to fit any theme !!!


Glue together 2 tissue paper rolls. Hole punch on the outside topand use yarn to make a strap. Decorate with markers. Tke the kids on a nature walk and let them use their binoculars to look for birds in the trees and other creatures.

Butterfly Ink Blot:

Cut out a buuterfly shape on a white paper, the shape shoul be symmetrical. Fold the paper in half, and ask a child to paint half of the butterfly. When the child is finished, ask them to press the paper halves together, so that both sides will look the same. Have the child rub the folded pape. Open the paper, and you have a butterfly with matching wings.

Fish Art:

Obtain bathtub grippers that are fish shaped. (You can use any shape) Peel off the back, and let your child decorate with glitter , or paper. You dont have to use glue. :)

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